The PRIVATE INSTITUTION “SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTE OF MATERIALS AND ALLOYS” carries out research and development in the field of materials science.
The Institute develops alloys with desired properties and develops technologies for producing products from them.
Works are performed with a wide range of components of the alloys, these include iron, chromium, zirconium, nickel, niobium.
Iron-based technologies are used to produce various types of cast iron: antifriction, heat-resistant, wear-resistant, and corrosion-resistant.
Based on zirconium, alloys are developed for atomic energy, based on chromium, nickel, niobium.
The institute has experience in the development of heat-resistant alloys for aviation and space technology.
The PRIVATE INSTITUTION “SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTE OF MATERIALS AND ALLOYS” cooperates with the «Frantsevich Institute for Problems in Materials Science of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine» in the field of study of the issues of the influence of the structure and composition of alloys on wear resistance and corrosion resistance.
The Institute is working on the creation of a diamond tool using new approaches to provide a bond of adhesion with diamonds.
The Institute cooperates with the foundry company LLC "Plant Symbol" in terms of pilot production and technology development.
Нам після боротьби з вуглекислим газом доведеться боротися з «нешкідливою» водяною парою.
Deputy Director of the Institute of Metals and Alloys (Kyiv) VM Pulkovsky, Head of the Hydrogen Energy Division of the Association of Investors of Ukraine, answers the questions of the correspondent of the Association of Investors of Ukraine.
Відділення художнього литва включає в себе 3D моделювання, друк моделей на 3D принтері, виготовлення силіконових форм та інше.